校园,互穿(间歇穿,会换回来的)七班许盛,从不穿校服,临江六中校霸史上最野的一位,各科均分30出头,处分通知拿到手软,隔三差五向全校进行检讨。烈日当空,少年声音张扬:“对不起,我下次还敢。”而号称考神的年级第一邵湛,高冷且不近人情。本应没有交集的两人却因为一次意外互换了身体。——— 老师看着结下梁子死活不愿意当同桌的两位少年。一个是他最头痛的不良学生许盛,一个是他引以为傲的优秀学生邵湛。老师沉吟两秒:“之前是谁说没有当同桌的缘分?”身穿黑色T恤和周遭格格不入的许盛倚着墙:“缘分来了。”
carrd by @ztcgl; meant for personal archive
fansongs i found on netease
this is just my personal archive which contains major spoilers
chapters | summary | key moments |
1 - 5 | introduction/meeting | first ever body swap (ch5) |
6 - 26 | school life + trying to skip exams (月考) | xs using sz's account to praise himself for the popularity contest (ch19-20), cuddling in the quarantine room on the bed (ch26) |
27 - 36 | exams + results | holding hands aka 抓错 during horror movie (ch36) |
37 - 47 | military training camp | xs sleeping on sz's shoulder otw there (ch37), sz refusing to let any of their friends see xs "shirtless" while xs asked for a belt (ch38), “他不加好友” (ch40), xs fighting ysw and sz filled with thoughts of worry, making a fuss out of xs' tiny cut and patching it up for him (ch45), going on stage to protect xs from 顾主任 (ch46-47), horror movie pt 2 so they slept while holding hands bc sz let him 抓错 once again (ch47) |
47 - 59 | uni choices + finding ways to get rid of the curse | 胡大师 told them to maintain eye contact for 30s then hug each other (ch57-58) |
59 - 64 | math competition | sz comforting and reassuring xs as they entered the venue (ch61), sz writing the answers on xs' palm (ch62) |
64 - 68 | chasing after each other | xs gets drunk and asks sz to hug/carry (抱) him back (ch65), xs starts wearing the school uniform after sz says he looks good in it (ch66), sz leaving the class tgt with xs bc the teacher keeps picking on xs (ch67) |
69 - 72 | confessions | heart graphs, movie dates and the wall where they first met,,, as well as their first kiss together ♡ |
72 - 95 | after they got tgt + holidays in each other's bodies | pocky (ch77), “既然喜欢就别放弃。” (ch90), sz saying he's xs' 2nd personality aka 许湛 (ch91), final body swap (i cried; ch92), xs wearing sz's old school uniform (ch93) |
95 - 99 | the rest of year 2 | makeout session at night in the classroom (ch97), sz fighting with people who talked trash about xs (ch97-98) |
99 - 114 | year 3 | xs' bday present from sz (i cried again; ch101-102), "food delivery" (ch104), zhaoyu cameo (ch109-111) |
115 - 116 (extras) | university | xs ditching his own gathering to join sz's (ch115), xs on call with ex-classmates and they finally found out zwbs is canon, xs telling his mother about his r/s (ch116) |
chapters | summary | swapped/normal |
1 - 5 | introduction/meeting | in respective bodies |
6 - 28 | daily life + exams | first swap |
29 - 39 | after exams + start of military training camp | in respective bodies |
39 - 42 | military training camp | second swap |
43 - 49 | end of military trg camp + back to school | in respective bodies |
50 - 63 | daily life + math competition | third swap |
63 - 81 | math competition + back to school + exams | in respective bodies |
81 - 92 | went back home for the holidays | final swap |
92 - 116 | end of year 2, year 3 and university | in respective bodies |